Aligning IT with Business

Charter's Enterprise Architecture Frameworks

Enter our BA4IT contest to win business analysis services valued at $50,000. Entry details are at the bottom of this post. Submission Deadline: June 30th, 2022.

The Author

Principal Business Architect for Charter, Wade

As the Principal Business Architect for Charter, Wade is responsible for leading the business architecture practice and enabling digital transformation for Charter and its customers. Wade combines his knowledge of technology, industry, and business trends to accelerate digital innovation for your business.

Wade has four decades of experience with IT hardware, software, programming, consulting, operations, and design. Prior to joining Charter, he held positions at Cisco, PCL Construction, Bay Networks/Nortel, SHL System house, and Digital Equipment Corporation. A lifelong learner, Wade is a certified Enterprise Architect, Business Architect and recently completed his certification in Data Science.

Aligning IT with Business

IT leaders: there has never been a greater opportunity to align with your business leaders and enable digital transformation. With the rapid shift to hybrid work environments over the past two years, now is the time to reinvent and rethink how you provide IT services, drive innovation, and guide digital transformation for your business stakeholders.

At Charter, we have several digital transformation projects ongoing for our business stakeholders, and we are excited to share our Clarity transformation journey with you. If this process sounds like it would be valuable to your company, please don’t hesitate to get in touch so we can start exploring your goals and needs.

This post will walk through the why, the how, and the what surrounding Clarity’s journey and introduce the new BA4IT Contest, where you can win an invaluable engagement with Charter’s award-winning Business Architecture team.

The Why

Ryan CardinalAssociate Director, Customer Success (CX) and Vendor Management
Ryan Cardinal
Associate Director, Customer Success (CX) and Vendor Management

“Officially launching in 2019, initially Clarity was focused on reporting for lifecycle management and software consumption with an eye on how investments tie directly into business outcomes. Our customers have found tremendous value in this, particularly around lifecycle management as it pertains to budgeting and asset management.

However, with the rapid shift in the marketplace to software-led solutions and focused cloud strategy, many of our customers are asking for more. Clarity is seeking to do this based on direct input from our clients through enhanced reporting, new self-serve capabilities and dashboards, analytics (historical and predictive), and more. Further, we aim to tie it all back directly to key stakeholders with clear ROI that moves IT expenditure from being solely a cost-center to clearly proving the business value.”

Clarity was focused on reporting for lifecycle management and software consumption

The How

Kelly Michell President
Kelly Michell

“To respond to the evolving needs of our Clarity customers, I asked our Business Architecture team to create a plan for the next generation of Clarity using the Charter BA4IT framework. The plan needed to align with Charter’s business priorities and define the outcomes, capabilities, KPIs and the investments required to achieve our goals.”

Our BA4IT Clarity project team was created with diverse members representing Project Delivery, Sales, Order Administration, Product Management and Software Development.

BA4IT is our framework for strategic IT and is a blend of ITIL, TOGAF, Agile, Lean and Design Thinking. The key principle of BA4IT is human-centred design, empathy, and innovation. We strive to understand and walk in the shoes of those that will use the systems and capabilities (people, process, technology) we build.

BA4IT process

We followed the BA4IT process to:

  • Create a map of our internal and external stakeholder personas. Create empathy and journey maps.
  • Define the Opportunity and Problem statements. Reviewed the Vision, Mission, and Principals.
  • Define the business priorities, risks, outcomes and KPIs. Brainstorming new capabilities that align with the business priorities.
  • Collaborate with our Software Development team to create a prototype. Identify the investment required in software and staff.
  • Create a Digital Transformation Roadmap Plan (DTR). Review the plan with our executive team

The What

Kegan Adams Chief Operating Officer
Kegan Adams
Chief Operating Officer

“The Business Architecture process provided the framework for creating a roadmap in a timely manner. One of the benefits of the process was the inclusion of a diverse group of stakeholders. Having an environment where everyone’s ideas were equal, led to significant innovations for our next generation of Clarity. Another benefit was the creation of a

well-defined roadmap with clear accountability and specific, measurable outcomes.”

BA4IT Workshop

For the Charter team, the BA4IT process established a line of communication with key business stakeholders, gained executive sponsorship, interacted with the lines of business and IT leaders, and delivered a people, process and technology roadmap that prioritizes initiatives for impactful adoption towards business goals.

The roadmap provided the Clarity Product Managers, and the Charter executives defined business priorities, capabilities, outcomes and KPIs. The roadmap also identified the software development and staff investments required.

The BA4IT process defines an investment roadmap for our Clarity customers to deliver the new capabilities that will add more value to their business processes and facilitate increased efficiency and agility. BA4IT aligned our IT teams with Charter’s business leaders as a strategic partner.

BA4IT Workshop Contest

We are excited to offer our customers an opportunity to win an engagement with our BA team. The estimated value of this engagement is $50,000. If you win the draw for the contest, Wade Crick, Principal Business Architect will create a Digital Transformation Storyboard for your business.

The BA4IT workshop will focus on developing a Digital Transformation Storyboard that aligns your IT goals and strategies with your business’s priorities. Working with your team using the Design Thinking framework, we will help you define or refine:

  • Business Vision, Mission, and Digital Transformation Principles. Business Priorities, Outcomes and KPIs.
  • Roadmap of people, processes and technology aligned to your business priorities and budgets.
  • Complete a Digital Transformation Storyboard for you.
To qualify, please submit the following information on our event entry page.
  1. Name
  2. Title
  3. Email
  4. City
  5. Business Name
  6. Business Vertical (ex. government, public sector, retail, utilities, hospitality, manufacturing)
  7. Number of Employees
  8. How would this engagement benefit your organization?
  9. Business Challenges (ex. increase customer satisfaction, increase product quality, improve end-to-end visibility and transparency across your supply chain network, reduce cyber risk).

Enter the contest today