Energy, Resources, and Industrials

Charter provides an integrated set of solutions and professional services that enable ER&I Manufacturing companies to embrace digital transformation to optimize production, boost profitability, improve employee collaboration and the customer experience, plus enhance ESG reporting and compliance.
Understanding that data capture and analysis is a key contributor to a successful transformation, we work with you to align your business objectives with the digitization strategies we know from experience to be most effective. This alignment is critical in scaling your business and unlocking the gains in productivity, profits, and growth in overall enterprise value.

Charter’s business proposition minimizes the time spent on technology and tools by focusing on providing strategic data insights that measure performance, support decision-making, and grow your business.

Our solutions are based on the 5Ds


We work with your key stakeholders to building digital business roadmaps that reflect IT and OT (IIoT) needs.

Data Management Strategy

We provide observability, reporting, analytics, policy compliance, and
AI understanding.

Diversified Supply Chain

We'll help you integrate with strategic suppliers to optimize your supply chain and delivery.

Design Thinking

We take a holistic approach to managing risk, governance, and operational effectiveness.


Our team works with you to ensure we're encompassing all decisions with a sound cybersecurity strategy.

Two checklists with a plus sign graphic.

Energy, Resources, & Industrial Markets

For more information about our ER&I services, please download our datasheet, here.


We can help you level up your ER&I IT operations.

Two checklists with a plus sign graphic.

Additional Resources

For more details about our flexible, scalable CharterCare packages, check out this PDF.
